Friday, June 29, 2007

Blackberries & Raspberries today!

There is a farm down the road that grows all kinds of berries. Right now it is blackberries and raspberries season. It was suppose to be blueberries too but I guess the weather got the best of them. Gabby, my next door neighbor, Fayellen (one word as she says to say her name)and me went picking today. It was fun, but hot. We went real early like 8:30. Good thing we did because the owner said when we were checking out that she had to start sending people away. There were these cute British ladies there talking to Gabby and one of them showed us a snake in the Raspberries. That's all Gabby had to see to quit picking. I also bought some homemade strawberry ice cream that they made. It was strawberry season when we got here in May so we missed out on it this year.

Gabby frowning because of the bugs, the snake, and her failed attempt to pick raspberries. & Obviously, the snake. That snake didn't even move an inch when I flashed the camera in his face. Ooo, he was creepy! yikes!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Think happy thoughts!!

Okay start thinking happy thoughts that I get the kindergarten assistant job. I just came back from there. What a school. It is hugh, twice as big as Cross Bayou. Of course their interviews are exactly the same a we did ours, with a panel of five people asking you questions. But their kindergarten assistant actually help teach the kids. While the real teacher is doing reading then the assistant is doing math or something else with a small group of kids. They ask me if I had a problem being with the kids in the cafeteria. I laughed, how funny was that to ask me about the cafeteria. They don't even have cafeteria assistants. We will see. The best part is that the school is actually only 2 minutes (exactly 2 minutes) from my house. No stop lights or anything. I hope I get it. They have a few other people interviewing and will be in touch the beginning of next week. So think positive thoughts that I get it.
Saturday Gary and I found a place that makes area rugs. They were open to the public so we went and found one for the living room. With the wood floors it really echoed in there. So the day we got it I gave all the dogs a bath and Presely went crazy on it afterwards. Hope this little video comes through, it's only a minute long, but it is cute and shows you my new rug.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally some rain.

Well we finally had some rain last night. It started right before dinner and lasted into the night. Had a little power outage. Not long it just kept going on and off for a half hour or so. It was pretty funny because grandma, Gabby, Gary and I were all sitting in the living room together just talking or reminiscing about old days (Gabby didn't know what reminiscing meant) so we explained and then Grandma some how started talking about s.e.x. Why I have no idea. So Gary acted like he was changing the TV channel or conversations on us with the remote (TV wasn't on). It was pretty funny. Here is a rainbow from a couple of weeks ago. I have never seen a full rainbow before and it was right in front of us at the end of our driveway. It sure was beautiful. Loving the "green acres" here!! Enjoy!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Can't see the cows?

Patricia said she couldn't see the cows, so I am going to try and put a "bigger" picture of them. Hope you can see them now, lol!

Cows love water.

Did you know that cows like to swim? Gabby saw the cows across the street yesterday in the pond. I thought he was stuck because he was there for so long but then a little while later he was out. So today I grabbed the camera when they were in there. It must be too hot for them too. This pond is right across the street. You probably can see the house on the hill in the picture. They are the ones that own the cows and all the land. It is so beautiful to look at. The piece of land in front of the pond is for sale, but I hope no one buys it and builds a big house to where I can't see the cows anymore. That would be a shame.

I can't remember if I wrote that I applied for a job at an elementary school right around the corner. Well I have been trying to call to see if they had call for interviews and no one ever answered. So I emailed the principal a few weeks ago and never heard back until today asking me if I would like to interview for a Kindergarten assistant. I am so excited. So think happy thoughts for me on Wednesday that they like me and hire me. I need to go back to work. I love my husband and mom but being with them 24/7 is starting to get to me, lol.

The other picture is our bird bath that we repainted and put in our front yard. Doesn't it look pretty? I hope the birds like it. It's been fun watching them in the morning on the back porch flying all around. We even had a parakeet fly in the garage last week and stayed for a hour or so. I thought he was hurt but he was just visiting Gary seeing what he as doing.

Took mom to the doctor again today for all her results from her tests. All is fine. They couldn't find anything wrong with her. The doctor told her that she is very healthy but she should start walking a little bit. Basically if you don't use it you will loose it. Which I have been telling her that for a long time. But you can't tell an 83 year old French woman what to do. So we shall see if she starts walking. Doctor said 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening is all she needs to start with.

I'm going to go knit some now. Oh there is another picture of a dishcloth I knitted. I am addicted to these things. If anyone wants any just let me know. They are fun, easy and fast to make.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tea party in the sun!! Yummy!!

Gabby and I were feeling like we needed a tea party. It has been so long, probably since Heather's bridal shower. So I made some scones and cucumber sandwiches and we had a tea party picnic. Grandma was up on the porch having one of her own since she couldn't get down on the blanket.

The weather has been really nice the last few days. It's been warm but not unbearable. Don't you just love the big sunglasses. Their really not mine their Gabby's but it was a little bright out and I don't own a pair. It was a lot of fun. Well now it is time to go finish the dreaded painting of the bathroom. They will be here tomorrow to sand the bedroom floor and varnish it, so I have to get the painting done before that. Hope you all are enjoying this blog, it really is a lot of fun doing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bang, bang and more bangs!

Gary hates it when Gabby is right. Little update. We had hardwood floors put in our house downstairs. We knew we needed to do something upstairs in Gabby's room. She wanted wood but Gary said maybe vinyl with the puppy. Well vinyl was more expensive then wood so we decided to put wood in her room now. Should of done it all at once. So today is a day of banging upstairs. Gabby has taken to Grandma's room to try and sleep.

So it will be a day of banging and getting one step closer to getting Gabby in her own bedroom. She has been sleeping in the guest bedroom and her stuff has been scattered all over upstairs. The top picture is the before and hopefully in a few days I will have a picture of shiny new wood floors.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Depressed Theo dog

Okay this is how depressed Theo has been. He has taken to sleeping with a stuff cat. He "hates" cats. He looks so sad doesn't he?

Turtle sighting!!

Well Theo (dog) has been so depressed since we got here. He started yesterday trying to act like puppy so he would get some attention. There are no lizards in SC to chase, nor are there any trees in our back yard for him to even look for anything. Well this morning when I let him out I looked over the deck and saw a big turtle (sorry forgot to take a picture) and Theo spotted him and started to attack it. He was so excited that there was something in the yard he could play with. But I yelled for Gary and he put it on the other side of the fence. But Theo thought it was the greatest thing, running around like his normal self. When I realized I should of taken a picture to put on my blog, it was too late, it had moved on. I would of too if someone had tried to eat me and pick me up with their teeth. Well today I have to finish painting Gabby's bathroom, yuke, I hate painting. But it already has one coat and has to get finished. It was suppose to be her project but I guess it's not her cup of tea either. I'll be back later with pictures, maybe.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My first blog post!!

Well my wonderful Gabby girl set up my blog for me today. I wanted to start blogging so I can let my friends in Florida see want I am doing here in South Carolina. See my family and I just moved here after wanted to move for what seemed forever. Well not really forever just since all the hurricanes started coming close to us and then property insurance going so high and then worrying if our homeowners insurance would be cancel. Enough worrying we said, it's time for the simply life we are like..."Green Acres". We really are enjoying it though. So anyway I told Gabby that I love reading everyones blogs and would like one of my own and she said she could do it. It will probably mostly be about nothing (remember Seinfield) and then I will probably be showing you things that I have been working on. Lately it has been knitting dishclothes. I get a little obsessed with things, I have to know "how'd they do that". And then after I find out and make one or two or even maybe three than I'm done and move on to something else. So when I am done with something I will have Gabby put the pictures on my blog. Please tell me how you like my layout, Gabby designed it.