We bought a camper, that Gabby calls the "love shack", but we haven't used it yet....go figure.
Hannah was born the day before my birthday. And I flew on a plan the very next day, on my birthday, to go see her. A grandma's gotta do what shes gotta do to see your first grandchild. But I was fine....it was only an hour and fifteen minute flight.
Then I got to go to the fiber farm day right when I got home from Florida
Grew a pretty good garden this year. Still have green beans, tomato sauce and zucchini bread in the freezer to enjoy.
Gabby and I flew out to Idaho to surprise Heather for her baby shower. Boy was she surprised. Thanks Bill for helping us keep the best secret from her. And it was Gabby's first time on an airplane. She did quite well, wasn't scared or anything. While we were there, Gabby learn how to play golf. It was a great trip.
Then we weren't home but maybe a few weeks and little Bradley was born. He is the first boy born on Gary's side since he was born. That is 60 years. Oh yeah, Gary turned "60" this year.
Gabby started her junior year in high school and is driving to school so we don't have take her. Gotta love when they get their licenses.
While we were in Idaho, Bill got his next assignment. They got to go back to NC at Seymour Johnson Airforce Base. I was so happy. Heather and Bradley flew here and stayed with us while Bill drove across the country with the doggies.
Patricia and Hannah came for a visit. Heather, Bill and Bradley came back then too. We had an early Thanksgiving when they were here. I guess all the pictures we took of Hannah and Patricia are on Gabby's camera, so my next best thing is a picture of Gabby and Hannah.
Then my sister Diane and Becky came for the real Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason I can 't find that picture of them. Must be on Gabby's camera.
Gabby and I just got back from Heather's and Bill's. We went to take care of Bradley so they could go to their Christmas party and we got to attend Bradley's Baptism on Sunday.
And that takes us to a white Christmas this year. How nice was santa to us. I am hoping next year that I can keep up this blog regularly. I have been very bad this year, but as you can see I was pretty busy. I am thinking next year is gonna be busy too with Patricia and Tom getting married the beginning of April. But I wouldn't trade my life for anything. I have been truly blessed. I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year.
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